Move Better = Dance more. It’s that simple!

Dance better Argentine Tango with Feldenkrais.

As a Argentine Tango dancer you are probably looking for ways to improve your dancing and climb up the social ladder. Dance better and more is what you want. Pablo Verón said once: A good dancer you recognize by the way he walks, not by acrobatic figures. Let me guess. You too would love to … Read more

Feldenkrais on Zoom – The Online Program 2024

Move Better. Stay Mobile. Live More.

Feldenkrais from home – easy, accessible & so good. Skip the stressful commute to your in person classes and use these hours on yourself instead. With a few clicks your home becomes your Feldenkrais studio. Meet like minded people in the Online Feldenkrais classes while calming your mind and working out from home. Be surprised … Read more

Feldenkrais auf Zoom – Das Online Programm 2024

Feldenkrais auf Zoom mit Bärbel Rücker

Feldenkrais von zu Hause ist wohltuend, zeitsparend und tut einfach gut. Mein Feldenkrais Programm enthält wieder viele wohltuende Bewegungslektionen. Die meisten Kurse laufen in der Regel über 8 bzw. 4 Wochen. Das aktuelle Unterrichtsprogramm findest Du rechts neben der Blog post (bzw. weiter unten auf dem Handy). Fest etabliert ist der Termin für die deutsche … Read more

Feldenkrais Testimonials

What students say about Feldenkrais

I have been a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner since 2017 and I offer Feldenkrais Group Classes (Awareness Through Movement classes) and Feldenkrais Private Classes (Functional Integration). Here are some of the testimonials I have received from my Feldenkrais students over time. Side effects of my (online) Feldenkrais classes Every Feldenkrais lesson has a beginning, middle … Read more

Ten reasons why you should try Feldenkrais classes live on Zoom

Online Feldenkrais Classes

After one of my live Feldenkrais classes on Zoom a student of mine was anxiously asking if I would continue to offer online Feldenkrais classes. She thought once Covid restrictions disappear, so would my online classes.  There was a big sigh of relief when I said I am planning on continuing my online teaching activities … Read more

10 gute Gründe warum Du Online Feldenkrais Stunden ausprobieren solltest

10 gute Gründe für Feldenkrais Online

Es ist nie zu spät, etwas Neues zu lernen und alte Glaubenssätze über Bord zu werfen. Das gilt besonders für die vielen Vorbehalte bezüglich Online Feldenkrais Kurse, der Nutzung eines Computers für gesundheitliche Belange und persönliches Wohlbefinden. Kürzlich hat eine begeisterte Teilnehmerin meiner Online Kurse von den Vorbehalten berichtet, die andere Feldenkrais Studenten gegenüber dem … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Online Milongas 2022

The Sunday Social

The Magic Roundabout Sunday Social (virtual tango event) runs roughly once a month for people who like traditional tango music. Since May 2020 the Magic Roundabout Milongas have been online to cater for the need for good traditional tango music and social interaction. We named it The Magic Roundabout Sunday Social. Three hours of tangos … Read more

Unlock Your Pelvis – Mini Feldenkrais Series #03

Unlock Your Pelvis

How is your lower back today? Unlock your pelvis and find out how many of your activities will benefit from the increase of flexibility. We often refer to the pelvic region as our power centre and when finding better ways of moving it will have some positive effects on other parts of our body as well. … Read more