Moving Experience is Open

We're Open

OPEN is the magic word today in the UK. Actually for me (Bärbel Rücker) aka Moving Experience it’s more an OPEN AS USUAL. My Feldenkrais Group and Private Classes and Workshops will continue being online on Zoom. Actually I never stopped teaching my Feldenkrais classes. Only my Argentine Tango classes and workshops had to. Since … Read more

Happy Feet – Mini Feldenkrais Series #02

Happy Feet

How are your feet today? Give your feet the attention they deserve and you will stand, walk, run, dance and keep your balance better. Using my short Feldenkrais lessons will support you and your feet on this journey. Below you’ll find the five lessons from my Happy Feet – Mini Feldenkrais Series #02. “Many people have … Read more

Free Your Shoulders – Mini Feldenkrais Series #01

Free Your Shoulders

I don’t know about you but I can often feel some tension creeping up in my shoulders after hours in front of a computer screen. Of course as a Feldenkrais practitioner I have the tools to help myself and others softening the shoulders and to get the body in gear. Therefore I started a newsletter … Read more

You are never too old to learn

Never too old to learn

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Henry Ford I want to share with you another of my Feldenkrais success stories. When lockdown hit in March I stopped all my tango classes and moved my … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Milongas ONLINE 2021

The Sunday Social

Since May 2020 the Magic Roundabout Milongas have been online to cater for the need for good traditional tango music and social interaction. We named it The Magic Roundabout Sunday Social. Three hours of tangos with tandas in threes and the opportunity to request your favourite song too. Catch up with your friends via the … Read more

The unexpected benefits of Feldenkrais

Feldenkrais Success Story

Are you into swimming, running, cycling, walking or dancing? Are you looking for ways to improve your performance? The Feldenkrais Method is beneficial when it comes to learning new things and to become better at it. But unfortunately the Feldenkrais Method itself seems to be a well kept secret. Hopefully stories like the following one … Read more

When breathing becomes easier

So here comes another of my success stories which could only happen because of teaching Feldenkrais online. Seeing these results encourages me to continue and to widen my offers to help others as well. Maybe they do the same to you.  Early on in my Online Feldenkrais teaching days J. found me. She is based in Oxford, … Read more

Recovering from Trauma

Recovery from Traum with Feldenkrais

Working with The Feldenkrais Method comes with many challenges and rewards. Helping a person to find more options and opportunities, to change their habits and growing their curiosity are only some aspects of it. Learning to learn takes some time and patience but the results are astonishing. One of my first long term students was … Read more

How to best set up for online exercise classes

How to best get ready for online exercise classes

In the current situation a lot of group exercise classes are now available as online exercise classes. That’s great when you should stay at home to safe lives. But suddenly turning your own home into a fitness or yoga studio might create some problems. Since the middle of March 2020 I am teaching several Feldenkrais Awareness … Read more