Questions & Answers – The Feldenkrais FAQs

Questions & Answers

Trying something new comes often with a bunch of questions. I hope this collection of Questions & Answers – The Feldenkrais Method is able to answer most of them.  THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD – Questions & Answers If you haven’t found the answer to your question please get in touch via email I am looking forward … Read more

The Milonga Guide: Codigos de la Milonga / The Tango Etiquette


A new series of posts to help you navigate at milongas (tango dance events) and to understand the codigos de la milonga (tango etiquette) Every Monday in the Forest of Dean TANGO FB group and afterwards added to this blog post. The excellent drawings are from Les Pas Parfait, a group of dancers and organisers from Montréal. … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Tango Marketplace

Tango Marketplace

Since I started Litter Picking in The Forest of Dean (see blog post Litter Picking Is Cool) in 2018 I am even more interested in the opportunity of reuse and recycle. The obvious solution was to start The Magic Roundabout Tango Marketplace for Tango Shoes, Clothes, Books and more. It’s time to de-clutter your tango … Read more

Argentine Tango Testimonials

Testimonials Argentine Tango with Bärbel

Finding the right teacher when you want to learn something new or improving your skills can take time. Hearing about the experiences other students have made can help. Those following Tango testimonials might give you a better impression of what to expect when working with me. Are you looking for a place where you can … Read more

Questions & Answers – Argentine Tango FAQs

FAQs Argentine Tango

Trying something new comes often with a bunch of questions. I hope this collection of Questions & Answers around Argentine Tango will answer most of them.  Please get in contact via email if you are missing the answer(s) to your question(s). ARGENTINE TANGO – Questions & Answers #1 What should I wear for a Tango class? … Read more

Feldenkrais Literatur auf Deutsch

Feldenkrais Literatur

Auch auf dem deutschen Buchmarkt finden sich zahlreiche Bücher von Moshé Feldenkrais und über seine Feldenkrais Methode. Unter anderem von Autoren wie Alfons Grabher, Thomas Hanna, Frank Wildman, Wim Luijpers, Roger Russell, Norman Doidge, Ruthy Alon, Edward Yu, Yochanan Rywerant, Eli Wadler und Hanna Margarete Schilling. Einige der Links sind Affiliate Links. Natürlich gibt es auch andere … Read more

Quotes by Moshe Feldenkrais

Quotes by Moshe Feldenkrais

Are you in love with The Feldenkrais Method? I am and I love the quotes by Moshe Feldenkrais too.  Moshé Feldenkrais has come up with a lot of brilliant material for thought and practice. With remarkable quotes. See the list below. The Feldenkrais Method gains publicity and more and more practitioners worldwide offering Awareness Through … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Milongas 2020

The Magic Roundabout Milongas 2020

The Magic Roundabout Milonga organises Argentine tango dance events for people who like traditional tango music. Six years ago I became a part of the Magic Roundabout Milongas team. Since then there have been Magic Roundabout (MR) Milongas in Bristol (Almondsbury), Tidenham Chase, Kington Langley and Lydney. Since May 2020 the Magic Roundabout is online! The … Read more

Where To Find Feldenkrais Books

Find Feldenkrais Books

You come across The Feldenkrais Method and want to read more about its founder Moshé Feldenkrais and his method. Then this is a good place to start your search for Feldenkrais books.  Or are you looking for gift ideas for Feldenkrais practitioners or students? These Feldenkrais books might be exactly what you are looking for … Read more