The Magic Roundabout Online Milongas 2022

The Sunday Social

The Magic Roundabout Sunday Social (virtual tango event) runs roughly once a month for people who like traditional tango music. Since May 2020 the Magic Roundabout Milongas have been online to cater for the need for good traditional tango music and social interaction. We named it The Magic Roundabout Sunday Social. Three hours of tangos … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Milongas ONLINE 2021

The Sunday Social

Since May 2020 the Magic Roundabout Milongas have been online to cater for the need for good traditional tango music and social interaction. We named it The Magic Roundabout Sunday Social. Three hours of tangos with tandas in threes and the opportunity to request your favourite song too. Catch up with your friends via the … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Milongas 2020

The Magic Roundabout Milongas 2020

The Magic Roundabout Milonga organises Argentine tango dance events for people who like traditional tango music. Six years ago I became a part of the Magic Roundabout Milongas team. Since then there have been Magic Roundabout (MR) Milongas in Bristol (Almondsbury), Tidenham Chase, Kington Langley and Lydney. Since May 2020 the Magic Roundabout is online! The … Read more

Kellertheater Milonga in Winterthur mit DJ Bärbel

DJ Bärbel @ Kellertheater Milonga Winterthur

Die Kellertheater Milonga in Winterthur ist in den letzten Jahren ein fester Bestandteil meines Tango DJ Kalenders geworden. Auch nach Abschluss meiner 4-jährigen Feldenkrais Ausbildung in Bern hoffe ich auf weitere Besuche in Winterthur. Darum freue mich schon jetzt darauf, Euch mit meiner traditionellen Musik-Auswahl zu verwöhnen. Wer meinen nächsten Besuch nicht verpassen möchte, der … Read more

Burley Milonga & Workshop with Bärbel

Dance better with Feldenkrais at Burley

After a successful October Burley Milonga & Pre-Milonga Feldenkrais workshop I will be back in Burley in February 2020. This time I am presenting: Dance Better with Feldenkrais – Pre-Milonga Workshop before DJ’ing the milonga.  This was my view from the DJ desk in October 2019 : VIDEO.  Burley Milonga & Workshop A magical Burley … Read more

Tango Feast Devon with Bärbel

Dance Better with Feldenkrais

I am very much looking forward to my next Tango Feast. In the Christmas edition 2019 I will have the pleasure to teach two Feldenkrais workshops. Get in touch in case you are interested in private lessons with me for Tango or Feldenkrais on Saturday/Sunday.  My Tango Feast Program in detail Saturday 7/12/2019 12:50-13:50 pm … Read more